
Today, many organisations are using multiple legacy platforms with all the inherent issues of “non-integration” and long term concerns over reliability and resilience.

Unravelling all of this to be left with a single, Digitally Transformed solution can be highly challenging. We focus on developing a clear, actionable Strategy & Roadmap for the future. This is often combined with identifying cost savings and delivering Value Added Services to the ultimate user. Gaining the Human “buy-in” to technological change is a key factor towards success in these projects.

We adopt a flexible approach to how Consultancy is paid for, such as a fixed fee for results, fees linked to savings, or a simple daily rate.

We want to help you deliver and promote full organisational adoption of a transformed Telecoms infrastructure that is fit for your purpose and  your future. If you’d like to discuss consultancy services and the ways in which we can add value, please get in touch and ask for our Consultancy lead, Graham Beckett.

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Customer Based Solutions

Beckett Telecom have been providing Telecommunication solutions to the Enterprise market for 30 years.