Beckett Voice & Data

Virtual Numbers

International, local, premium, and freephone numbers available.

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What are Virtual Numbers, and how do they work?

Historically, Non Geographic Numbers (NGN’s) were charged (premium rate numbers) or free to call.  These allowed business to provide a single number which could be routed at network level to different locations – for example to provide a round the clock support desk or sales team.

With the development of the pure IP network, all numbers are, in effect, Virtual Numbers – they aren’t tied to a physical location, and can have a variety of inbuilt functionality at network level, such as the ability to ring multiple devices, call recording, and reporting.

How can you use a Virtual Number?

Businesses can use virtual phone numbers to build their brand, communicate with customers, and track marketing campaigns.

For example if you are a business with a local presence but a national customer base – for example a removal firm – then you can advertise numbers for different locations such as Scotland or Cornwall, and have them all answered in a central point.

You can also receive data on the number of calls received  – giving you the option to review marketing strategies and promotions, allowing you to focus on the solutions that work best for you

Want to trial some Virtual Numbers?

If you want to see how Virtual Numbers can work for you and your business, then contact us and we will get you started.