As 2022 winds down and 2023 is round the corner it’s been, shall we say, an interesting year.

From shocking events, like the death of Queen Elizabeth II through to the war in Ukraine, and the knock on effects in both world and UK politics it’s been a tough one for many, many people.

But it’s not all been bad, we’ve seen the Lionesses bring the country together over the summer,  massive advancements have been made in medical treatments and globally living standards have risen again.

Recognising that we are a small part of the world, at Becketts we’re committing to ensuring that 2023 is better than 2022.

This means that we’ll continue:

  • Employing Apprentices and providing training opportunities for all our staff

  • Continue our journey to Carbon Neutral status,

  • Provide mental health support for employees and families

  • Ensure that your data is safe and secure with continuing ISO accreditations


All the while we’ll ensure that we are able to help our old and new customers to make the most of new voice technologies, and migrate to solutions that allow you to provide better for your customers.

To find out more about how Becketts are turning 2023 into a great year, visit or call us on 0118 940 9000.